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The most recent set of construction photos appear on the main Photo Album page.

April 2002 – Cutting edge for Pier 37 moved to breakwater & fastened to caisson guide
A towboat (to the right of the crane barge) pushes the cutting edge towards the breakwater (at left).
The cutting edge approaches the breakwater.
Side view of the cutting edge in position behind the breakwater.
A vibrating hammer is used to drive steel pipe for the caisson guide at the rear of the cutting edge.
Close-up of the vibrating hammer.
Overview of the cutting edge/caisson, looking towards the breakwater.
Close-up of the caisson interior. Wooden ladders give workers access to interior areas where concrete is poured. Wooden platforms cover the air domes of the cutting edge.
Interior of the caisson.
Steel pipe for the caisson guide is hammered into place on the downstream side of the caisson.
The cutting edge is fastened to the upstream caisson guide pipe, just behind the breakwater.
The downstream caisson guide fastening, to the rear of the cutting edge.
Solar-powered navigation warning beacon on the breakwater.
View towards the concrete dock from Pier 37.